Saturday, September 8, 2012

it's time for school.....

Connor had his first day of preschool.  Daddy took a half day so he could be there to drop off/pick up to see how the first day went.  Connor was very excited as he wanted to play with the vacuum! (Yes, he is our son!) Although, I wanted him to wear a polo, he was insistent to wear an octopus shirt...and I let him.  When we dropped him off, I asked him for a hug good-bye, and he said, "No, Mom, a high-five"  That one, I won!  He gave me a hug!!!  After school, we went to McDonald's and then...nap time!  I hope his excitement remains throughout the year.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Connor starts school this Wednesday!! He is three!  Not 3.5, but 3! He knows all his shapes, colors, his letters, the sounds, his numbers (we are starting to learn values to numbers), how to spell his name, how to read simple words like, "fan" "ant" and can pick out some words in a line up. He knows part of his address, and his entire phone number! He's 3! He is a sponge and wants to learn. I feel he could know so much more if I worked with, with him starting school on Wednesday, I figured Mommy would have her own school here for him as well. We have workbooks and lots of 'school' stuff. He has been obsessed with the book, "Ratatouille". After reading it to him for the 20th time, I decided we would borrow the movie from the library. After seeing it-- Connor wanted to make, I decided it was time to get messy. I pulled out some measuring spoons, baking pans, a bowl. I put items in a muffin tin....such items: noodles, sprinkles, oatmeal, tomatoes, pretzels and sugar packets. I also made a big ball of flour with water. We set for outside and almost an hour later- he was done playing...and a mess. It was so fun to watch him listen to him talk and just do what he wanted.
The dough was a bit sticky.

Hmmmm...What do you want, Mom?

After playing aka, cooking...someone had to do the dishes.  Luckily, he had a BLAST doing them!

And, while I continued to clean up and finish the remaining mess...he practiced drawing/writing his name.
This past week he has become so much calmer than the two year old. He has grasped the concept of going to the bathroom- with using those magical words.  He has been so snuggly, loveable and telling us all the time how much he loves us.  I think when he's off at school, I just may miss him.  Thankfully, all day Kindergarten is still two years away!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Oh my. Where shall I begin? A few very real stories from the past couple days-

1. Potty training is a constant with Connor . This week is his first week telling me he has to go. I am ubberly excited about those words, "I have to go potty".  We were leaving Target, he says those magical words. I tell him we will go at the next store but please crawl in your car seat. I go to put groceries in the trunk and I look over and I see a bare bottom and a stream of pee hitting the ground! I freak out and cover him as he continues to pee--luckily it had been raining for hours that no one would notice the wet ground!  He was so proud and I was happy we didn't have wet pants.  But rest assured I told him we don't pee in parking lots-only toilets!

2. All frazzled from peeing in the parking lot-I tossed him in his carseat and then proceeded to put his brother in his carseat-groceries in trunk-return cart- start the cars and now...we are heading across the lot and I hear Connor all excitedly say, "I'm holding on tight mommy" "Ohhhh we are going faster now" "and, now in the street mommy". It was a play by play of how I was driving!  Connor is a talker and he tells me lots. Well, apparently he didn't tell me that I never buckled him!!!! Agh! I park the car and get him out and decide this was the last store of the morning--I was losing it! Thankfully God was watching over us.

I know several other funny things happened to us today- but apparently, I'm drawing a blank!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Wow- life has flown by the past couple years and often I think about blogging again, but never seem to do it.  Blogging is a great way for me to remember everything through these crazy years of, I guess I better start, because although the day stays the same, the minutes...hours are getting shorter as time is flying by. 
Here's the scoop.  I am still madly in love with my husband, Sean.  He is beyond amazing.  So patient and a wonderful father-- better than I can ask for (yes, ladies, I have it all and am so blessed).  He has accomplisehd several marathons the past couple years, and I have cheered him on.  (Not something I have a desire to do at this point in life).  He loves his job, but right now we are at a crossroad as his company will be closing in October.  We anticipate bigger and better and are anxious to see what is in store for our future.
We have our oldest, Connor who is now 3 years old and the biggest comedian I've ever met.  He's a quick thinker and always wanting to learn new things.  He just started his first season of soccer and he loves running around--but not sure he gets the full concept just yet.  He knows all the letters, sounds, and is learning how to combine them into words..yes, he's 3!  He knows his birthdate, full name, how to spell it, his address AND phone number.  He will be starting preschool in two weeks and I'm thinking I am going to cry like a baby that day.  In my mind, it's the begining of the end.  I'm excited for him, but I just hope he's a nice boy, meets new friends who care for him.  And, I WILL take him to McDonald's for lunch after!
Our youngest, Camden is 10 months old.  He has been crawling since 6 1/2 months, and loves to shake his head and say, "no no no".  He too, is a comedian.  I have no clue how I am going to survive these boys and the jokes they will gang up and play on me one day.  Camden is pulling himself up and stands alone, but has yet to take some steps.  One day, I'm sure.  He's into everything.  If I fold laundry on the floor, Godzilla aka Camden crawls/plows right through it all...and LAUGHS! Camden's not so sure he wants to be a baby and doesn't play with many baby toys, but with his big brother Connor ALL THE TIME. (Luckily, Connor loves his brother so much that he shares).
And, me.  Welp.  I've been busy tackling all these boys and maintaining my own photography business.  It's been a lot of fun and I have met a lot of people.  It's nice to get out and talk after spending time with my kids all day.  My business is bigger than I ever anticipated it to be, and I am tahnkful that God has provided that so I am able to be at home with my boys.  It is hard to juggle my one man show, but I wouldn't change it.  I, too made a goal to get to my desired weight this year and I haven't lost a single, I'm telling myself, the year isn't over and I need to remember, day 2 of working's a start!
Here is a recent picture of us as Disneyland from this past July.  It was such a blast and a memory I will hold close to my heart.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pinch me...someone pinch me! I dreaming?  I'm loving life!  Of course, you all know this by this sappy blog...but it's so true!

Sean is now working a Monday-Friday job; although with him being home more often, he's driving me crazy & vice versa, we are loving each others company.  It's so nice to have a set schedule.

As for me, I'm trying to start a few new hobbies. keep up with Connor growing so quickly. And, I've been practicing cake decorating.  That one, I think I will need more classes and practice on; and maybe some patience too! 

I just wanted to touch base with some of you- how are you all doing??! Anyone know how I can possibly combine blogs?!?

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm still alive!

Hello my fellow blog are you??  Are you still out there?

I haven't been updating lately just because I have been trying to keep up with everyday life..and well, lots of other fun & exciting changes for our little family too. 

Let's see where shall I start?  First off, we still have our condo on the market, and are hoping very soon someone will come and fall in love with it here.   It's been a good home to us, but it's really starting to get smaller and smaller, as the three of us are living in a one bedroom...thank goodness for the loft, which is being used for Connor's room.  I've been working on keeping closets cleaned and well as hiding all the baby stuff...just in case we get that phone call of a prospect.

For me...I'm still able to be home with Connor, which has been more than I could have ever dreamed of....but, I too also need to do something to help out with the current economy. So, I started doing something I  have a passion!  So far, by word of mouth, I feel it's going GREAT...and best part of it all, I'm LOVING it! 

I also plan to be babysitting a newborn in about a month.  Only something part time, three days a week. I met him today (took his newborn pics) and fell in love...he is sooo incredibly cute!

I am also helping 17 people on a journey of weight loss.  It's been so inspiring and awesome!  It's my very own "Biggest Loser".  We are in our second round, and the first round which was 8 weeks, a total of 15 people lost 186lbs!!!!  I took that weight  and did the pound for pound challenge, and was able to donate 186lbs of food to the local foodbank!  We concluded the first round with going out to a celebratory dinner.  This next round of 17 people, I have challenged them to complete a 5k (walk or jog!).  It's been so motivating to hear stories about everyone.  I've been doing this all through an online blog...and had everyone submit $20 to participate...the winner last time won, $300! It's so great to know that I am helping people make a right step to a healthier life...and at the same time, they are helping me.  I now go to the YMCA and workout at least 5 days a week and since Connor was born have lost 58lbs.

As for Sean.  He's been training (along with me) for the Cleveland Half marathon.  He plans to do the complete full Akron marathon in September!  He's also has a few eggs in a basket for a new job position...we have our fingers crossed and happy to know that he is looking at multiple positive prospects. He is loving being a father...and it's the best thing to sit and watch him with Connor...and well, Connor adores Sean.  Sean is such a great husband and father, I've truly been blessed.

And, well, I'm sure there's lots more to ramble on about, but for now...I'm signing off.  If you'd like to keep up with my photography you can take a look at either of these sites...which are both a work in progress still.

How are things with all of you?!?!  Stacey?  Erin? ....Buehler....LOL!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been awhile...

It's been a while since I've last updated.  Reason being, rumor has it, some think I'm a bit over the top too happy- it's too mush and gushy to read.  Here's the thing...I write because I have a horrible memory and this is a great way for me to keep track of my feelings and life at the current time.

Currently, I'm sitting here listening to Sean make Connor belly laugh by saying "ohhsa boysha doysha" while Connor is in the bath.  I have no idea where Sean got this, but Connor loves his Dad.  I have the best husband EVER!  Lately, I've just been overwhelmed or tired, or just not myself....striving to have everything as near perfect as I can....which is taking it's toll, as perfection can never happen.  But, I have the best support that I could ever have.  Last night and this evening, I asked Sean for some "me" time, only for an hour...tonight, I was able to get that hour and whoa...what a relief that is for me.

I'm sure this will pass, as it's February and gloomy in Ohio, what more can I expect with really anyone in this area...Febraury always does this to me.  Here's to a great husband & happiness!